About the feature film project
The Untitled Sonora Project (working title) is an essay film set across the Mexican-U.S. border centering a vast collection of stolen migrant belongings recovered from the trash in the small border town of Ajo, Arizona. By exploring key figures connected to the seized belongings, the Untitled Sonora Project reveals a story of recovery, restitution and healing that traverses borders.
About Amuletos Projects
Amuletos is a film and media collective working at the intersection of cultures and film genres, where we believe in collaboration and working to support each other’s visions and community building through storytelling practices. We produce, curate and consult with features, shorts, cultural projects and strategies; and we prioritize nonfiction and hybrid cinema. Named after our short film Los Amuletos Migran, which was filmed in Ajo, Arizona, we co-founded Amuletos in October 2019; the name of our collective is also a metaphorical reference to our stories and projects: our amuletos, our protectors, the possessions that keep us safe.